• Email the club

Game day volunteers roster

During the season every team will be rostered on for one shift at either Mackey Park or Tempe Reserve. These shifts will be either 8:00am – 12:30pm & 12:30pm – 5:00pm.

If your team is sharing their shift with another team, please check with the Club as to how many volunteers your team may require. A reminder email for each weekend will be emailed to your team a week before.

Please make sure to read the roster carefully.

The volunteer roster tasks include canteen, field pack up, ground officiating, etc. The number of volunteers required differs between parks.

If your team cannot provide the required number of volunteers for your allocated duty time, please email info@marrickvillefc.org.au with your team details as soon as possible

Download the latest volunteer roster to see when and where your team is on duty.

Mackey Park Volunteer Duty Information